R06 Support
The video support runs for approximately 6.5 hours and covers the topics that we deal with on our 1 day face to face event. This video really captures the face to face environment as you actually get to meet the trainer and they will walk you through all of the content. The content will be based on the current R06 case study issued by the CII for the current sitting of R06. Key technical aspects will be explained that are relevant to the clients in the case study e.g. Protection, retirement, IHT, Trusts etc.
Support Pack:
This document has been prepared based on the case study information provided for this exam sitting and ideally should be used in its entirety to gain the maximum benefit.
The team at L&D have carefully considered the detail contained within the case studies so you will find very specific material to assist you. As with all exams, but particularly with R06, understanding how to structure your answers to the questions posed is critical. With this in mind we have created specific sections to help you get to grips with this challenge and please ensure you take the time to read through the exam technique section. This will help to set the scene for the remainder of the pack, which will cover an overview of the detail provided within the case studies, and the chance to understand any technical aspects that relate to the fact find specifics.
In order to provide you with the chance to prepare for this exam in the most effective way possible, we have provided further questions for you to practice ensuring we have covered as many angles as possible for you.
Our team provides all the technical information and exam questions, between them, have over 30 years experience in designing and delivering training material for R06. On purchasing this product, we will email you once the case studies have been released with a personal timetable of when the videos and PDF material will be available for download.
More Digital Products
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- Video support provided by CII accredited trainers
- PDF containing 30 BRAND NEW AF1 standard examination questions
- Comprehensive study guide of over 90+ pages
AF2 Support
What’s included:
- Video support provided by CII accredited trainers
- PDF containing 30 BRAND NEW AF2 standard examination questions
- Comprehensive 50+ page study guide
AF4 Support
What’s included:
- Video support provided by CII accredited trainers
- PDF containing 30 BRAND NEW AF4 standard examination questions
- Comprehensive study guide of over 80+ pages
AF5 Support
What’s included:
- Video support provided by CII accredited trainers
- Crucial support pack to help with AF5 exam technique and tasks sections
- Full range of mock exam questions and answers
AF7 Support
What’s included:
- Video support provided by CII accredited trainers
- PDF containing 30 BRAND NEW AF7 standard examination questions
- Comprehensive 30+ page study guide

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